About amr abdelmoety



  • 2016 - 2019
    Doctor Nutrition Pharmaceuticals (DNP)

    Medical representative

    • Working Medical representative in Doctor Nutrition Pharmaceuticals (DNP) in oman for 2 years (2016-2018).

  • 2014 - 2016
    united pharma

    Medical representative

    • working medical representative in united pharma for 2 years (2014-2016).

  • 2019 - Present
    El Hazek Construction

    HSE specialist

    • working specialist Health and Safety Environmental (HSE) in El Hazek Construction for 1 year (2019-till now).

  • 2011 - 2012
    Al-safadi factory sugar

    HSE specialist

    • Working specialist Health and Safety Environmental (HSE) in Al-safadi factory sugar for 1 year (2011-2012)
